Monday, March 31, 2008

New Life...

So I am now an Aunt - again - but for my little brother - so that is a first. I am so excited for him and his wife!!

New babies are like Christmas.

They ground you. They remind you of what is important. Family. They bring you joy - no matter what is going on in your life. How can you possibly frown while looking at the face of a new born. The innocence, the love and the peace. The stillness that they give your world for just an instant. It is the closest that we will ever get to Heaven while we are still alive - to be in the presence of new life.

Tonight takes me back to the 2 precious days in my life when I met my daughters. They were such beautiful and delicate angels, yet so strong and full of hope. Gifts from God. And they continue to bring me joy - everyday.

Cheers to my new favorite Niece! Peyton Elizabeth! Welcome to the family and we cannot wait to get to know you!!
Love your future favorite Aunt!

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This Madness Called Life

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An insight into the crazy life of a 30-something struggling to rebuild her life and climb her way back to the top.